Stories and Poems in Keepsakes
The Ace of Spades, by Tracey Hawkins - ace of spades charm (story)
Agate Bead, by Susan Oloier - agate bead (story)
Alice's Keepsakes, by Penny Azar - stamp (story - historical)
An Angel's Embrace, by Kylie Holder - angel wing charm (story)
and still it rains, by Scott Milander - frog on a lilypad charm (poem)
The Army Coat, by Michael Woolford - army coat charm (poem)
The Boy in the Slouch Hat, by Kylie Holder - slouch hat charm
Bracket Novel - by Sally Odgers
The Breaking - Bronwen Webb - black flower (story - country)
The Bronze Frog, by Alex Wyld - bronze frog. (story) ch 4
Chameleon Factor, by Sally Rogers-Davidson - chameleon charm. (sci-fi)
The Claddah Ring, by Fiona Lohrbaecher - claddah ring charm (story/memoir)
Cut-Price Beauty, by Dianne Bates- flying witch charm (story - comedy fantasy) ch 2
Daisy, Daisy, by Catherine Milander- yellow daisy flower (poem)ch 6
The Dancing Girls, by Catherine Milander - dancer charm (poem)
A Darwin Lament, by Fiona Lohrbaecher - wooden shark (poem) ch 4
Discovering the End, by Jayne O'Shannessy - metal cog. (story)
Drawing Blood, by Jessi Hammond - feather charm (story - fantasy-horror)
Dream Keeper, by Jacqueline Lonsdale Cuerton - pendant pouch (poem) ch 2
Dragon Lady, by Sally Rogers-Davidson - dragon lady charm (poem) cch5
Echoes of Ella, by Teen Raffa-Mulligan - angel charm (story - fantasy)
Evolution Day, by Bronwen Webb - Palm tree charm (story - science fiction)
Exposed to Love or Photographic Memory, by Aimee Richards - camera. (story)
The Fairy and the Star, by Rebecca Fyfe - fairy in star charm. (story - fantasy)
Fairytale Witch, by Lesley Reed - witch hat charm (story/memoir)
A Fascinating Finish, by Catherine Milander - racehorse charm
Fly Away Home, by Dimity Powell - silver flying lady (story)
Full Circle, by Jessi Hammond. (Tektite) (story- science fiction)
The Geisha, by Catherine Milander- doll charm (poem)
Grandpa's Legacy, by Meryl Harris - Fools gold. (story)
The Haunting of Castle Bowland, by Jessi Hammond - bagpipes charm (story - comedy fantasy) ch6
It Happened on Harry Street, by Lesley Reed - bicycle charm (story - nostalgia period)
Herodotos' Coin, by Luciana Cavallaro - old coin. (story)
The Jubilation Bottle, by Robyn Campbell - champagne bottle. (story)
Keeping the Flame Alive, by Helen Brumby - dragon charm (story - fantasy ch 5)
The Key, by Therese Needham - keys (story)
Knight of Swords, by Suzanne Thorley - sword and shield charm (story)
The Lace Edged Handkerchief, by June Keir- lace edged handkerchief (family story) ch 3
The Language of Flowers, by Frances Burke - tree of life charm (story - romance) ch 3
The Last Pearl, by Cecilia Clark - river pearl (story)
Leaving Lucy, by Teena Raffa-Mulligan - tall cat charm
Legend of the Green, by Philomena Essex - green man charm (poem)
Light Among Shadows, by Hazel Girolamo - Egyptian girl charm (story)
little treasure, by Scott Milander - Tasmanian devil button (poem)
The Lost Ring, by Kelly McDonald- silver ring (story)
Love Sees, by Sanet Smit- angel charm (story)
Lunch @ the White House, by Bronwyn Joy Hansen - wooden cottage. (story)
a mark, by Scott Milander - paper bird (poem)
Masked, by Violet Lipscombe - mask charm. (story)
Maternal Instinct, by Meryl Harris - wooden baby. (story)
Mermaid Magic, by Rebecca Fyfe - mermaid bookmark (story - fantasy)
The Mirror of the Soul, by Kylie Holder - malachite bead (story)
A Mother's Nightmare, by Catherine Milander - yellow shoe charm (poem)
Mother Lioness, by Rebecca Fyfe - lion charm (story - fantasy)
My Alice, by Dale Furse - cosy cat charm (story)
Never Challenge My Derringer, by Lu Cotter - pistol charm (poem) ch 3
1966, by Arna Radovich - gold dove charm (story - nostalgia period)
Not Like Alice, by Catherine Milander- Alice charm (poem)
The Old Wagon, by Rory Stone - wagon charm. (story)
Othello's Daughter, by Martha Gelin - Picasso jasper bead (story)
Pirates, by Rie Sheridan Rose - skull and crossbones charm. (poem)
Postcard from Hudson, by Penny Azar- dachshund charm (story - animal)
The Red Shirt and the Dolphin, by Kathy Stewart - Dolphin charm (story) ch 2
Remembrance, by Susie Brown- Gryphon charm. (poem)
Second Chances, by Jessi Hammond- ute charm (story - science fiction)
The Single Key, by Cheryl Secomb - key charm. (story - light fantasy romance)
The Snow Bear- by Michelle Tatam - bear charm (story - fantasy romance)
A Sonnet from the Bride, by Catherine Milander- bride and groom charm (poem)
There's a Little Problem with the Help, by Joan Parker - coffin charm (story - comedy)
Uniform Dress, by Lesley Reed - dress charm (story -)
Until Sundown, by Mary Hawkins - little car charm (story - romance)
The Vase, by Helen Brumby - metal dragon. (story - family)
The Volcano, the Buddha and the Dastardly Drain, by Bronwen Webb - lava stone (memoir)
What a Morning, by Helen Ross - eagle charm. (story - humour/romance)
The Wheel of Fortune, by Felicity Pulman - pewter cross charm (story - historical mystery)
Wheel of Misfortune - by Ian Harrison - moneybag charm (story - satire/comedy)
Wildflowers, by Teena Raffa-Mulligan - flower sticker (story - fantasy)
Zoo Moon, by Ashley Willoughby - wolf charm (story - fantasy)
AND, coming in soon-
The Leapling, by Sally Odgers - the calendar
Agate Bead, by Susan Oloier - agate bead (story)
Alice's Keepsakes, by Penny Azar - stamp (story - historical)
An Angel's Embrace, by Kylie Holder - angel wing charm (story)
and still it rains, by Scott Milander - frog on a lilypad charm (poem)
The Army Coat, by Michael Woolford - army coat charm (poem)
The Boy in the Slouch Hat, by Kylie Holder - slouch hat charm
Bracket Novel - by Sally Odgers
The Breaking - Bronwen Webb - black flower (story - country)
The Bronze Frog, by Alex Wyld - bronze frog. (story) ch 4
Chameleon Factor, by Sally Rogers-Davidson - chameleon charm. (sci-fi)
The Claddah Ring, by Fiona Lohrbaecher - claddah ring charm (story/memoir)
Cut-Price Beauty, by Dianne Bates- flying witch charm (story - comedy fantasy) ch 2
Daisy, Daisy, by Catherine Milander- yellow daisy flower (poem)ch 6
The Dancing Girls, by Catherine Milander - dancer charm (poem)
A Darwin Lament, by Fiona Lohrbaecher - wooden shark (poem) ch 4
Discovering the End, by Jayne O'Shannessy - metal cog. (story)
Drawing Blood, by Jessi Hammond - feather charm (story - fantasy-horror)
Dream Keeper, by Jacqueline Lonsdale Cuerton - pendant pouch (poem) ch 2
Dragon Lady, by Sally Rogers-Davidson - dragon lady charm (poem) cch5
Echoes of Ella, by Teen Raffa-Mulligan - angel charm (story - fantasy)
Evolution Day, by Bronwen Webb - Palm tree charm (story - science fiction)
Exposed to Love or Photographic Memory, by Aimee Richards - camera. (story)
The Fairy and the Star, by Rebecca Fyfe - fairy in star charm. (story - fantasy)
Fairytale Witch, by Lesley Reed - witch hat charm (story/memoir)
A Fascinating Finish, by Catherine Milander - racehorse charm
Fly Away Home, by Dimity Powell - silver flying lady (story)
Full Circle, by Jessi Hammond. (Tektite) (story- science fiction)
The Geisha, by Catherine Milander- doll charm (poem)
Grandpa's Legacy, by Meryl Harris - Fools gold. (story)
The Haunting of Castle Bowland, by Jessi Hammond - bagpipes charm (story - comedy fantasy) ch6
It Happened on Harry Street, by Lesley Reed - bicycle charm (story - nostalgia period)
Herodotos' Coin, by Luciana Cavallaro - old coin. (story)
The Jubilation Bottle, by Robyn Campbell - champagne bottle. (story)
Keeping the Flame Alive, by Helen Brumby - dragon charm (story - fantasy ch 5)
The Key, by Therese Needham - keys (story)
Knight of Swords, by Suzanne Thorley - sword and shield charm (story)
The Lace Edged Handkerchief, by June Keir- lace edged handkerchief (family story) ch 3
The Language of Flowers, by Frances Burke - tree of life charm (story - romance) ch 3
The Last Pearl, by Cecilia Clark - river pearl (story)
Leaving Lucy, by Teena Raffa-Mulligan - tall cat charm
Legend of the Green, by Philomena Essex - green man charm (poem)
Light Among Shadows, by Hazel Girolamo - Egyptian girl charm (story)
little treasure, by Scott Milander - Tasmanian devil button (poem)
The Lost Ring, by Kelly McDonald- silver ring (story)
Love Sees, by Sanet Smit- angel charm (story)
Lunch @ the White House, by Bronwyn Joy Hansen - wooden cottage. (story)
a mark, by Scott Milander - paper bird (poem)
Masked, by Violet Lipscombe - mask charm. (story)
Maternal Instinct, by Meryl Harris - wooden baby. (story)
Mermaid Magic, by Rebecca Fyfe - mermaid bookmark (story - fantasy)
The Mirror of the Soul, by Kylie Holder - malachite bead (story)
A Mother's Nightmare, by Catherine Milander - yellow shoe charm (poem)
Mother Lioness, by Rebecca Fyfe - lion charm (story - fantasy)
My Alice, by Dale Furse - cosy cat charm (story)
Never Challenge My Derringer, by Lu Cotter - pistol charm (poem) ch 3
1966, by Arna Radovich - gold dove charm (story - nostalgia period)
Not Like Alice, by Catherine Milander- Alice charm (poem)
The Old Wagon, by Rory Stone - wagon charm. (story)
Othello's Daughter, by Martha Gelin - Picasso jasper bead (story)
Pirates, by Rie Sheridan Rose - skull and crossbones charm. (poem)
Postcard from Hudson, by Penny Azar- dachshund charm (story - animal)
The Red Shirt and the Dolphin, by Kathy Stewart - Dolphin charm (story) ch 2
Remembrance, by Susie Brown- Gryphon charm. (poem)
Second Chances, by Jessi Hammond- ute charm (story - science fiction)
The Single Key, by Cheryl Secomb - key charm. (story - light fantasy romance)
The Snow Bear- by Michelle Tatam - bear charm (story - fantasy romance)
A Sonnet from the Bride, by Catherine Milander- bride and groom charm (poem)
There's a Little Problem with the Help, by Joan Parker - coffin charm (story - comedy)
Uniform Dress, by Lesley Reed - dress charm (story -)
Until Sundown, by Mary Hawkins - little car charm (story - romance)
The Vase, by Helen Brumby - metal dragon. (story - family)
The Volcano, the Buddha and the Dastardly Drain, by Bronwen Webb - lava stone (memoir)
What a Morning, by Helen Ross - eagle charm. (story - humour/romance)
The Wheel of Fortune, by Felicity Pulman - pewter cross charm (story - historical mystery)
Wheel of Misfortune - by Ian Harrison - moneybag charm (story - satire/comedy)
Wildflowers, by Teena Raffa-Mulligan - flower sticker (story - fantasy)
Zoo Moon, by Ashley Willoughby - wolf charm (story - fantasy)
AND, coming in soon-
The Leapling, by Sally Odgers - the calendar